originalcopy—Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation
Michael Kargl & Franz Thalmair (Eds.)
Texts | Marcus Boon, Bettina Funcke, Annette Gilbert, Kenneth Goldsmith, Boris Groys, Christian Höller, Gabriele Jutz, Jussi Parikka, Andrei Siclodi, Cornelia Sollfrank, Franz Thalmair, Jan Verwoert
Artworks | Ovidiu Anton, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Agnes Fuchs, Sebastian Gärtner, Yuki Higashino, Kathi Hofer, Ane Mette Hol, Wouter Huis, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Michael Kargl, Nika Kupyrova, Ulrich Nausner, Willem Oorebeek, Lisa Rastl, Stefan Riebel
Translation | Christine Schöffler & Peter Blakeney
Graphic design | Studio Kehrer – www.studiokehrer.com
Paperback, 256 × 210 mm, 376 pages, numerous ills. in color
Published in the book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Edition Angewandte | De Gruyter Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-11-063215-6
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The practice of copying has become omnipresent yet invisible, both in
the digital realm and in the analog world. The arts-based research
project originalcopy—Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation subjects
the dichotomy of original and copy to a re-evaluation from a
post-digital perspective and sheds light on this contradictory
phenomenon. The underlying performative research focuses on the tensions
between the supposed immateriality of digital technologies and their
material manifestations by appropriating contemporary methods of copying
and exposing them to artistic processes of transformation and
translation. originalcopy is less interested in the results derived from
the double act of copying copying strategies, rather the processes and
working models that lead to them.
Book presentation and talk
June 28, 2019 | 4 pm
Introduction by Ruth Horak, art historian and curator
Talk with the editors
MAK – Museum of Applied Arts
Stubenring 5
1010 Vienna